Pitbull Lab Mix – The Labrabull

The Pitbull Lab mix is often referred to as the Pitador or the Labrabull. This hybrid is a combination of an American Pit Bull Terrier and a Labrador Retriever. When you choose a mixed dog, the combination of breeds can result in unique dogs that favor one breed or the other, so their temperament, health, and even their appearance may be hard to predict. Characteristics of both sides affect the Lab Pitbull mix, so here’s a closer look at the characteristics that come from both parent breeds, offering you the information you need to decide if a Labrabull is the right dog for you.

Origin and History

Mixed breeds have become very popular within the last couple of decades, and it’s only been in this time that the Pitbull Lab mix has become well known. To understand the origin and history of the hybrid, it’s important to look at both of the parent breeds.

The Labrador Retriever is originally from Canada and was bred to aid fisherman in the area with retrieving lines, fish, and to help with fishing nets. These dogs were also loving companions for the whole family when they weren’t working. English sportsmen admired these dogs for their loyal, intelligence, and work ethic, so they took some of these dogs with them to Europe, where they were then used for hunting purposes. The Labrador breed thrived in England, and later the breed would be introduced to the United States, where it’s one of the most popular dog breeds still today.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a descendent from the English Pit Bull Terrier, a breed that goes back to the 1800s when it was used for bear and bull baiting. When bear and bull baiting was banned, dog fighting replaced the sport, and Bull Terriers were used to fight. These dogs were originally bred to be strong, brave, tenacious, and aggressive. Once the dogs came to the United States, they were bred with other dogs to create a larger dog that could do farm work, helping to hunt, be a companion, and guard the property. Today these protective dogs love their families and can be quite affectionate with their family.


The Pitbull Lab mix is a large hybrid breed, and these dogs generally weigh between 45 and 90 pounds. They may be up to 24 inches tall. The looks of these dogs can vary greatly, since they can take on the physical features of both parents. Usually they have a wide head and lab ears. Most have a powerful, strong body and almond shaped eyes. The coat of the Labrabull is usually short, shiny, and dense, and some of the most common coat colors include black, yellow, tan, brown, and white.

Pitbull Lab Mix Temperament

You can expect a Lab Pitbull mix to be very loyal, powerful, aggressive, and enthusiastic. However, these dogs are usually only aggressive if they think their family or they are being threatened. This means that early training and socialization is very important. While labs are known for being very friendly, Pitbulls are known for being more reserved. The hybrid may take on either of these characteristics.

Since both the Labrador and Pitbull are very smart, the Lab Pitbull mix is very smart and they are fairly easy to trained. However, it’s important to establish dominance early. Since these dogs love to chew, it’s important to give them toys they can chew on so they don’t become destructive. Although these dogs have plenty of energy, they also enjoy snuggling with family and they may deal with separation anxiety if you leave them alone too long.


The Lab Pitbull mix has a short, dense coat that requires moderate grooming. The coat is easy to brush, but it should be brushed several times a week to prevent shedding. These dogs only need to be bathed as needed, but the ears do need to be cleaned and checked for infection weekly. Their teeth need brushed several times a week and nails need to be clipped if they are not worn down naturally.

Working Roles

These dogs make great family pets, but they may also be great for farming and herding activities. They also do well as guard dogs and watchdogs.


Usually the Lab Pitbull mix will have a life expectancy of 10 to 14 years, so they have a fairly long life. They are prone to some of the health issues inherited from their parents, which may include:

  • Ear infections
  • Joint dysplasia
  • Heart problems
  • OCD
  • Cold tail
  • Acute moist dermatitis
  • Allergies
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Epilepsy
  • Eye problems
  • Bloat
  • Myopathy

3 thoughts on “Pitbull Lab Mix – The Labrabull

  1. I love my Pitador. She came to my home 2 months ago after the shelters in my area were trying to clear out their dogs to make room for the Harvey dogs coming from the coast. I was asked by an acquaintance of the family to concider her “border collie” mix in her foster home. I agreed as I haven’t had a dog in 5 years. I’ve only owned German Shepherd dogs but wanted to help the rescues and gain a friend. Well, she brought over my Pippa. She was black/white with very short hair and at 9 mos was 45lbs. Clearly not a border collie. But I fell in love 😍. After day 3 I took her to the vet and asked what her mut mix was. I was told a Pitador. Not good! My homeowners insurance won’t allow me to have a Pitt or Pitt mix. The vet recorded her breed as lab mix for the record.

    Well, anyway. As I am experienced with German Shepard dogs, I automatically took the alpha dog roll. We bonded instantly. She is sweet, wants to please, easy to train (with a terrier stubbornness sometimes) gets along great with my cat and the neighbors cat, is fun, and goofy.

    I accidentally got a Pitador, but soon learned it was a complete blessing. Wouldn’t leave her for anything.

  2. I have a 14 year old pitador and for 14 years she has slept at the foot of my bed the last week and a half cheese chews she has chosen to sleep at the side of my 78 year-old mother’s bed is there something she’s trying to tell me

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